Get to know the speakers of the Road to @ETHGlobal Istanbul Spaces. Hosts: @payalpatelmalho & @metaljacketh.
20 Oct 2023, 10:09
Get to know the speakers of the Road to @ETHGlobal Istanbul Spaces 🚀
Hosts: @payalpatelmalho & @metaljacketh
Guest speakers: @EkinTa9 / @bogazicichain
@degenbtcf / @ITUblockchain
@0xKaranK / @odtublockchain
@YaCikarsa / @BlockchainYTU
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In her quest to join the blockchain space, @payalpatelmalho joined Cartesi inspired by the passionate team. With 18+ years of experience in roles spanning the UK Government, the National Health Service, and various startups, she’s bringing her knowledge & expertise as DevAd lead.
In her quest to join the blockchain space, @payalpatelmalho joined Cartesi inspired by the passionate team.
In her quest to join the blockchain space, @payalpatelmalho joined Cartesi inspired by the passionate team. With 18+ years of experience in roles spanning the UK Government, the National Health Service, and various startups, she’s bringing her knowledge & expertise as DevAd lead.
20 Oct 2023, 10:09
Since a young age, @metaljacketh championed social innovation via open-source tech, decentralization, financial inclusion, democracy, and sustainability. Today, he's committed to advancing open-source blockchain adoption at Cartesi.
Since a young age, @metaljacketh championed social innovation via open-source tech, decentralization, financial inclusion, democ
Since a young age, @metaljacketh championed social innovation via open-source tech, decentralization, financial inclusion, democracy, and sustainability. Today, he's committed to advancing open-source blockchain adoption at Cartesi.