Some good news for the Cartesi Community Grants Program (CGP).
02 Oct 2023, 15:00
Some good news for the Cartesi Community Grants Program (CGP)! The CGP is getting a revamp with the introduction of the Cartesi Grants Council and new procedures. Plus, Complex Voucher has been completed!
Want to know what this means? Let’s discuss! ⬇️/🧵
Same news in other sources
4CartesiCTSI #305
02 Oct 2023, 15:10
Some good news for the Cartesi Community Grants Program (CGP)! The CGP is getting a revamp with the introduction of the Cartesi Grants Council and new procedures. Plus, Complex Voucher has been completed!
Want to know what this means? Let’s discuss! ⬇️
Complex Voucher marks the first CGP project being completed 🎉 CGP launched on December 22, 2022, with the mission of fostering a vibrant community of contributors by funding ecosystem projects and public goods. However, certain challenges arose with the current process.
To answer these challenges, a Grants Council of four members has been established. In the upcoming iterations, community members will have the opportunity to apply and join as one of the reviewers in the Grants Council and be selected by the community through a Snapshot vote.
The Grants Council's key responsibilities include:
◾ Establishing a structured and standardized grant review process.
◾ Streamline the process and manage payments for approved proposals
◾ Working with proposers to define project milestones.
◾ Offering post-grant support.
Once the proposer has submitted their application, the Grants Council will follow these key stages to review the application:
◾ Screening
◾ Applicant follow-up within 7 days
◾ Refinement
◾ Final approval
The Grants Council will employ a Rubric to assess proposals using specific criteria. Please note that the Rubric guides grant consideration. The final decision on funding allocation will still depend on community consensus through voting.
Intrigued to learn more? You can read all about the new changes here:
Ready to start building? The CGP awaits your proposal:
Some good news for the Cartesi Community Grants Program (CGP).
Some good news for the Cartesi Community Grants Program (CGP)! The CGP is getting a revamp with the introduction of the Cartesi Grants Council and new procedures. Plus, Complex Voucher has been completed!
Want to know what this means? Let’s discuss! ⬇️
Complex Voucher marks the first CGP project being completed 🎉 CGP launched on December 22, 2022, with the mission of fostering a vibrant community of contributors by funding ecosystem projects and public goods. However, certain challenges arose with the current process.
To answer these challenges, a Grants Council of four members has been established. In the upcoming iterations, community members will have the opportunity to apply and join as one of the reviewers in the Grants Council and be selected by the community through a Snapshot vote.
The Grants Council's key responsibilities include:
◾ Establishing a structured and standardized grant review process.
◾ Streamline the process and manage payments for approved proposals
◾ Working with proposers to define project milestones.
◾ Offering post-grant support.
Once the proposer has submitted their application, the Grants Council will follow these key stages to review the application:
◾ Screening
◾ Applicant follow-up within 7 days
◾ Refinement
◾ Final approval
The Grants Council will employ a Rubric to assess proposals using specific criteria. Please note that the Rubric guides grant consideration. The final decision on funding allocation will still depend on community consensus through voting.
Intrigued to learn more? You can read all about the new changes here:
Ready to start building? The CGP awaits your proposal:
CartesiCTSI #305
02 Oct 2023, 15:00
5/ The Grants Council will employ a Rubric to assess proposals using specific criteria. Please note that the Rubric guides grant consideration. The final decision on funding allocation will still depend on community consensus through voting.
5/ The Grants Council will employ a Rubric to assess proposals using specific criteria.
5/ The Grants Council will employ a Rubric to assess proposals using specific criteria. Please note that the Rubric guides grant consideration. The final decision on funding allocation will still depend on community consensus through voting.
CartesiCTSI #305
02 Oct 2023, 15:00
7/ Ready to start building? The CGP awaits your proposal 🚀
#DoMoreinWeb3 #BUIDLwithCartesi
7/ Ready to start building. The CGP awaits your proposal. #DoMoreinWeb3 #BUIDLwithCartesi.
7/ Ready to start building? The CGP awaits your proposal 🚀
#DoMoreinWeb3 #BUIDLwithCartesi
CartesiCTSI #305
02 Oct 2023, 15:00
6/ Intrigued to learn more? You can read all about the new changes here:
6/ Intrigued to learn more. You can read all about the new changes here:.
6/ Intrigued to learn more? You can read all about the new changes here: